Paradise Lost

Translation into Spanish of Paradise Lost, first part of Book I. Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse (poetry in regular metrical but unrhymed lines) written by the 17th century English poet John Milton (1608–1674). The first version, published in 1667, consists of ten books with over ten…

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Translation into Spanish of an extract from James Joyce’s Ulysses (chapter 17), published in 1922. This astonishing masterpiece tells the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on 16 June 1904, a day during which Bloom’s wife, Molly, chooses to spend time with another man. This…

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Wulf & Eadwacer

Translation into Spanish of the poem Wulf and Eadwacer, an Old English elegy of notably difficult interpretation. It focuses on separation, loss and longing. This Anglo-Saxon antiquity can be found within the 10th century Exeter Book, an anthology of poetry in Old English and the oldest book of English literature…

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